Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao Photo by Elmer B. Domingo all other photos used in this post – by Judgefloro –


Cubao Cathedral or also known as “The Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao,” is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was established on December 08, 1949, standing in the location of Quezon City in Metro Manila, Philippines. This church was built by the Society of Divine Word on July 19, 1950, and managed by the Archdiocese of Manila until the year 1990. When the Diocese of Cubao reigned, the state of the church was considered as a cathedral. Fr. Dennis S. Soriano is the current priest in charge of the cathedral.


Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao


The Societas Verbi Divini or the Society of Divine Word priests celebrated the first mass in a chapel located in Manga road, Cubao, to fulfill the pastoral and spiritual needs of the farming community. SVD’s Fr. Henry Demond held a Mass in CArbonell’s residence, which was a Quonset mess hall and now known as Spencer and Brooklyn streets. The US-Philippines Commonwealth Armed Forces then abandoned it.

Farmers or the agrarian community brings the name of San Isidro Labrador, dedicating the church to him and soon belonged to the Sacred Heart Parish of Kamuning. For improvements on the parish church, Fr. Ambrosio Manaligod and Ronnie Granancias helped on the pastoral works.


Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao

On December 08, 1949, the church was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and became a parish on July 15, 1950, reacted by Argentine Fr. Juan Simón from 1950 to 1954, followed by the German priest, Fr. Alois Vogel in 1954 to 1956, and Fr. Benito Rixner in 1956 to 1958. The church remained under the protection and administration of SVD.

And soon in 1989, the SVD transferred the parish’s administration to the Manila’s Archdiocese. It happened in the year 1990, Easter Sunday, and Msgr. Reynaldo Celso became the first diocesan priest. There was a partition that occurred with the Archdiocese because of the gradual increase in population in Metro Manila. On August 28, 2003, the Diocese of Cubao was created, and soon, renovations have been conducted on the parish church.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao

Parochial Bounds

A creek from Eulogio Rodriguez Sr bounds it. And Ermin Garcia Avenues to the east of Edsa and South by Santolan Road; southwest on the small portion of the creek of Ermitaño, and lastly, a part of Horseshoe village, N. Domingo St. and the famous Balete Drive.

Parishes surrounding the area like the Sacred Heart in the north, found in the east, is the Nativity of Our Lord and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in the west is the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. You can find San Juan City in the south part of the cathedral.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao

Other Information

The Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral resembles some features of the Manila Cathedral’s façade, like the rose window, the arches in the entrance, door carvings, and strips of the pilaster. The difference of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral from the Manila Cathedral is that it doesn’t have stone figures. The internal structure of Cubao cathedral contains elegant columns, arches, vaults, and carvings, making it a Romanesque Cathedral.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral of Cubao

Celebrity Celebrations

The celebrity actor and actress Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera were married in Cubao Cathedral on December 30, 2014, considered as one of the most expensive weddings in the country.

Cubao Cathedral is worth the visit. With its unique architectural beauty and everything intricate details it has, I am sure that a visit to this church will never disappoint you.



Sunday 6:00, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 am 3:30, 4:45, 6:00 and 7:15 pm

Monday – Saturday 5:30, 6:10 and 7:00 am 6:00 pm

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  1. Joey Lopez.

    In my own opinion, we should respect others religion by their own opinion, beliefs, by their practices , characteristics, culture, and/or rejoicing (kinagisnan). As a Roman Catholic, forcing them to join or become with us just to satisfy our beliefs is right, are not necessarily to do. And I agree that we as a human beings have a right to choose to join with different religion by our own believe, because no matter what, we only believe in one God and the word of Bible.

  2. Lester John R EJIDO

    Catholic should not force their employees to baptize being one of them because everyone has his own beliefs and can choose what religion can they worshipped because religion can’t save you but your faith of existence of god will save you.

    Lester John R EJIDO

  3. Gonzaga, Jovahnie B.

    We don’t need to force them to be baptized as a Catholics because we need to respect each others religion. There’s a fact that there are significant differences in religious belief and practice. Clearly there are a host of reasons, some cultural, and some religious. It’s considered impolite to talk about religion publicly. We live in a tolerant society, which means we are supposed to accept every other religious belief and practice as legitimate.


    In my own point of view, forcing is an act of demanding. Catholic institutions are broad, and so are the choices of a person. Example, if an Iglesia ni Cristo student is enrolled in a Roman Catholic kindergarten school, the student is not encouraged to transfer his or her religion into Christian.We can’t force somebody to join a religion to which we belong because doing so would be against their will, and we certainly can’t tell them what to do when it comes to religion. As Filipinos, we have the freedom to practice any religion we desire.

  5. Ely John B. Laureano

    In my own point of view , catholic institutions should not force their employees to be baptised as catholic because it’s unethical. It is a common understanding that each of us have our own rights and freedom towards anything in our life. In this modern world, we all have that tendency to believe in our own subjective opinions as if it is the truth. If the institution is forcing us they are disregarding our right to freedom of thought, beliefs and our own religion. Also, It’s not also okay that just because of a job we will change our beliefs and faith in our God. In that way, Employers should respect and accept the employees’ opted religion they should treat their employees the way they want to be treated. Employers should appreciate the employees religion by educating and exploring other religion and spiritual beliefs. Employers should have or improve their self-awareness because it helps their selves on how to work well with others. Employers should think differently. Employers should value the unique contribution of his/ her employee to their work. Employers should be valuing diversity because it can lead to creativity, team development, group dynamics and organizational effectiveness. People can persuade but they should not use force to others.

    Ely John B. Laureano BSIT 3M1


    I strongly disagree that they should force their employees to be baptized as catholic since each and one of us have different diversity. We should cherish and understand the different diversity in order for us to work harmoniously

  7. John Rey Gonzaga BSIT 3M1

    For me as a student catholic institutions can’t force their employees to be baptized because everyone have a freedom to their own beliefs. We have the right to choose everyone have a different culture, we need to respect. If the employer required their employees to be baptized it will cause a bad feedback to their company.

  8. No, we don’t need to constrain the employees to be baptized as catholic because, we need to have a respect to the employees on what their beliefs when it comes to religion. If we force the employees to be baptized as catholic maybe they will affect their work or their performances as a worker and discrimination will happen. Just like in RAC Institution, we have our own perspective in terms of religion so if they are treating the employees unfairly based on their religion and force the worker to be baptized in the religion that they don’t like maybe it can cause a huge negative impact.

    Voluntate, Joey V. Jr. BSIT3R1

  9. Jamaica Catacutan

    No. Everyone deserves Religious Freedom. It’s one way of a certain individual to protect his right to speak, to act, and to live in general. A person can and will have the ability to be themselves, to enjoy, to be comfortable, and to be happy in any activities, including work. I am pretty sure that no company wanted to be known as a discriminative place. All institution aims for success, and that can be achieved through skilled employees. Moreover, skilled employees are not limited to those whose beliefs and the religion are the same. Thus, in a country where diversity is greatly known, companies and institution should impose the same. This will not just make the company successful, it will teach each individual to give and show respect and acceptance.

  10. Noel D. Ecang

    No, because it is not in the law that the employee should force to be baptized as catholic. And the people or the employees have their own will or freedom to choose whether they should baptized or not. They cannot force people to baptized in catholic because their have freedom of choice.

  11. Ayomana , Mark Joseph

    In our opinion, it is up to the people whether they want to be baptized or not, and the Catholic Institution should give people the option to choose rather than forcing them to do things that are not in their best interests.We are living in a democratic country; we have the right to choose and to create decisions that need to be respected. We are one nation. We are all Filipino, whatever your racism is, whatever your culture is, your language, religion, and your beliefs. Each of us should be treated well and equally. And, I must say, Catholic institutions should let their employees decide whether or not to be baptized and respect their decisions.

    Ayomana , Mark Joseph

  12. John Lorence C Badoy

    They shouldn’t forced their employees. Because for me belief in God still depends on people. And people in the world have different beliefs so we respect their decision.

  13. Hanna B. Montibon

    The Catholic Institution should not force to baptized their employees as catholic because of various reasons. One of that is that religion should not be force because it is our individual choice and free will to choose our own religion. Each institution should learn how to recognize and value people’s differences especially in work settings in order to enhance communication and perform the goal of the institution effectively. Respecting differences especially our religious beliefs is important because it is the key to understanding and unity, through this it will be easy to work for one goal and achieve the objectives, mission and vision of the institution given that religion has nothing to do with performing their duties even if it is a catholic institution

  14. Patricia M. Pendon

    No, Catholic Institutions should not force the employees especially for those employees who have different religions. We should let the Catholic Institutions to acknowledge the religion they are focusing at, and at the same time don’t let them cross the line where they force people who have different religions and beliefs because it is a disrespectful act towards other people. People have a choice to choose a religion, not a force act in order to be accepted in an organization. Don’t let others force people with different religion to do what they say so, we should treat each other equally. Appreciate each and everyone’s uniqueness, accept who they are and what they have. Respect is the way to have a successful relationship with other people.

    Patricia M. Pendon BSIT3-M1

  15. John Paul Navarette

    In terms of Religion, I believe that employers should not force their employees to be in the same Religion as theirs. Instead, make it a qualification to be in the same Religion before hiring so that the applicant would know that this is for a specific religion only. That way, no one forces no one to join another Religion just for the sake of employment.


  16. Franz Joseph sillares

    For me you shouldn’t force your employee to be baptized as catholic because we are all have a freedom to choose a religion. There’s religion that can help you but there’s no religion that can save you, so the people they choose the religion that they thought that religion can help them so you can’t force your employee to be baptized as a Catholic if they don’t want to be baptized as a catholic.

    Franz Joseph A. Sillares BSIT 3R1

  17. Wenna Donguines

    In my opinion, we don’t need to force employees to accept and be baptimize in order to be one of us because willingness depends on people and it is their right to choose and decide what they want. Whatever their decision is, just accept and respect. We should normalize each others differences because we grow up in having a different cultural background. Accepting differences of others is the best way to build and develop a strong relationship and have a succesful organization.

    Wenna M. Donguines BSIT 3M1

  18. John Miguel L. Villa

    Catholic institutions should not force their employees to be baptized as catholic because, we have different cultures, religion, social norms or in short, we have different diversity. Forcing employees to be baptize may cause them to feel abash and discriminated, and in worst case scenario this may lead to conflict. As a employer, we must always value individuals diversity. As a employee, We do have Article 3 Section 5 of the 1987 Philippine constitution, that protects our credence as an individual.

    John Miguel L. Villa BSIT 3M-1

  19. Melitado, Angel B. BSIT 3M1

    No, Catholic institution should never force their non-catholic employees to be converted into another religion. Each one of us have freedom to express our beliefs an practice our rights. Just because Catholicism is the dominant religion in our country, it does not mean that everyone should conform to it. As long as we do what is right, respect other people’s rights, and perform our duties as responsible employees and citizen of our country; our religion should not matter.

    Angel B. Melitado BSIT-3M1

  20. Romar S. Dolor

    For me as a student and a member of the Catholic church, employees of Catholic Institutions need to be baptized in order to be a member of their church and to be incorporated to the body of Christ and become a Catholic. As my parents told me, you cannot be a Catholic without being baptized. I strongly agree to the question referred above. Being a Catholic is a blessing and being baptized is a beginning to the journey of faith and love to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Romar S. Dolor

  21. Kobe John B. Baging

    In my own opinion, we all know that there are different religions in our country. So, as a Roman Catholic we should respect others religion based on their own beliefs, cultures, and practices. We cannot force them to join or change just to take sides with our religion. And yes, I do agree that as a human beings have the right and freedom to choose the religion we want. But the question is, should catholic institution force their employees to be baptized as catholic? We as a Catholic is common for us to be baptized when we are babies. We can’t force them because it still depends on the culture or belief we grew up with and it depends on what you believe. If you are one of the catholic institution we should know that there is no need to force a person to become a catholic. Let’s just respect what and where they grew it. And that’s what they believe. Because for me, no matter what your religion is, there is only one God. Importantly, is that you believe in him and have faith. So that we don’t need to please others to change religion because we have still our own perceptions.

  22. Jeffrey bagahansol

    It’s not because the Catholic institution values ​​the right to choose what people want even if it’s different. The catholic institution lets people choose what they want without coercion. Respecting the right and culture of origin to better maintain the relationship even if the religion is different.

    Jeffrey F. Bagahansol 3M1

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