Davao White Water Rafting, Itinerary, Safety Tips


Whitewater rafting in Davao is one exciting adventure awaits every guest and adventurous souls. While many wouldn’t dare to do this activity, I  still considered my whitewater rafting experience memorable and I will surely do it again.


Davao White Water Rafting, Itinerary, Safety Tips

Minimizing the Risk of White water Rafting | Davao White Water Rafting

Whitewater rafting has been one of the most exciting yet risky outdoor activities. We’ve all heard of this sport-related accident that happened in the past that is why most of us, except for those who have courageous souls, do not try this sports as much as we want to. Well, this activity can be done with very minimal risk if you will be very careful about the things that you will do before and during the activity. Why limit yourself to the things that you can do if you can conquer such activity without worrying about the risks? To help you further, read this list that I’ve prepared for you.

  •    The level of activity should match the level of your abilities

There are extreme kind of white rafting, and if you know that you haven’t tried it before and you are not sure how much strength is needed, then, by all means, do not go for the extreme one. Begin by level. Look for starting water white rafting activities that you can take. Once you’ve done it and you think you can still manage to upgrade, then that will be the time that you will proceed to the next level. Always try to figure out if your strength, endurance, grip, and all other physical aspects would match the level of difficulty of the activity.

  •    Plan this activity with your Doctor

Always seek for the advice of your doctor about this matter because of all people, he/she will be the one who is in the position to allow you or not because he/she knows your health condition or status. Whatever the result or the precaution gave, make sure that you let the facilitator of the white rafting activity know about it so that he/she will understand your personal needs as regards your condition.

  •    Listen well to the orientation

Orientation before the activity will be given by the experts or the facilitator. Make sure that you listen well, comprehend, and try to remember everything that they are saying because those will be very useful and applicable once you begin your adventure.

  •    Listen to the instruction of the guide

While doing the activity, hand gestures or signals may be given to let you know which direction to paddle, which direction to be more cautious, and the likes. Following these procedures will ensure your safety and will save you from a lot of possible troubles.

  •    Ask queries

If you have possible questions, then, by all means, do not hesitate to ask. Do the asking before the activity so that you will not be occupied thinking about the unanswered questions while you are doing the actual activity. You will be educated with that matter, and at the same time, you can also add those new learnings into your adventure.

Now, there is no need for you to worry because you can already lessen the risk of doing the white rafting activity. Just follow these suggestions and be sure to be brave and confident! Good luck and take care!


Davao White Water Rafting, Itinerary, Safety Tips

My Davao White Water Rafting Experience

We woke up at 6: AM,  ate our breakfast and left the hotel at around 7:10 AM.  We arrived at the assembly point, The  Crocodile Farm at around 7:30 AM. It was quite early for the 8:00 AM assembly and 9 AM departure time. Well, we intended to take pictures of the crocodile farm before we go.

Prior to our departure, we were given a short briefing with some video presentations.

The trip from the crocodile farm to the jump-off point took us 1 hour. While in transit we had the opportunity to meet other fellow travelers.  I meet a Pastor having his vacation along with his wife (who opted not to go on rafting)  and his 3 daughters. Also in our vehicle was a  Chinese family (male and female siblings along with their mom). On the other vehicle were  13 Indian gentlemen.

As soon as we arrived in our jump-off point we were given another orientation including the use of the life vest. After the briefing, we were distributed to several rafts. I was assigned to go with the Chinese family. Of course, I occupied the front seats (I wanted to be visible for picture taking, huh! LOL).

Before we go on final rafting we went through a simple drill in rescuing.  To my mind, “ ….I’ve been through this in Cagayan when I had my first rafting adventure.”

Our group was the first to try the first rapids, followed by the raft of the Pastor and the kids. Just a few minutes after our takeoff, I saw the Pastor and two of his kids fell into the water. I was alarmed looking at the facial expression of the kids, I’m sure they have the first taste of  Davao River water.  We rescued them and brought them back to their raft. To my mind,” it’s part of the adventure!”

As we approach the second major rapids, our river guide Johnny informed us that we are about to experience what they called  “Kiss the Wall” rapid. We will be the third group to go. From afar   I already saw the curve… quite tricky. The passage was quite small due to large rocks and the current was really strong.

Few meters away we were shouting– “we are a ready go! go! go!”, while Johnny was shouting “paddle….paddle hard!” We were getting very fast …and was a meter away… truly we will kiss the wall hard…and bang! We bumped at the wall head-on… and in just a few seconds our raft capsized.

The water was raging… we were under the raft for around 16 seconds. The water was dark and I can’t go out of the raft. It was really difficult to swim and get out of the raft when having a life jacket. I told myself not to panic stay inside for a while and breath..I was reminded by the words of the guide, there will air under the raft…Huh, but not this time the rapid was strong that even the inside part of the capsized raft was filled with water…there were few seconds that I was able to breathe through my mouth, but each time I would gasp for air I would also gulp some water. I was trying to get out, but some legs were kicking me back. We were all positioned to save ourselves…I started to panic…” am I going to die?” I started to get dizzy but finally, find my way out…that was the time that I heard our guide shouting “let go, let go  of the raft….defensive swimming!!!”


The Happy Trip’s Davao White Water Rafting Video

I saw others from our raft were rescued already by the group of Indians. I was just thinking to just float for a while but a few meters away I saw a minor rapid so I swam towards the raft of the Indian guys who were already extending their hands to me. I felt like vomiting as I am pulled inside the raft, maybe due to the waters I drunk.

It seemed like I’ve lost all my energy with that incident. While on the raft I saw my left hand and right knee bleeding. But the pain on my hand made me forgot that I was feeling dizzy.

After the incident, we stopped for a while to eat our lunch. The complimentary lunch was quite nice. We were served with a pork chop, chicken curry, and hardboiled egg, with tetra packed juice and water. I normally drink plenty of water during meals but at that time I didn’t even open my bottled water. It seemed like my stomach was so full.

The short lunch break we had was an opportunity for me to recover and to say a little prayer. I prayed for strength. I simply wanted to enjoy the remaining part of the journey.

As we go along, we passed by a fall which they call “Vanishing Fall”. We had another short stopover and had some picture taking.

There were only 5 major Rapids in our trip but they were quite long, stronger and exciting.

We’ve finally reached our final destination and truly I just can’t enumerate all the happy and notable memories I had in this rafting adventure.

About Davao River

(Reference: Davao Wild Water Adventure)

The Davao River is rated Class 3+ (to class 4 rapids)

Class III: Intermediate. “Wild Water definition: You will get wet!”

Rapids with moderate, irregular waves which may be difficult to avoid and which can swamp an open canoe. Complex maneuvers in fast current and good boat control in tight passages or around ledges are often required; large waves or strainers may be present but are easily avoided. Strong eddies and powerful current effects can be found, particularly on large-volume rivers. Scouting is advisable for inexperienced parties. Injuries while swimming is rare; self-rescue is usually easy but group assistance may be required to avoid long swims.

Class IV: Advanced. “Wild Water definition: You’ll get soaked, like a 9 or 10 on the “fun scale”!

Intense, powerful but predictable rapids requiring precise boat handling in turbulent water. Depending on the character of the river, it may feature large, unavoidable waves and holes or constricted passages demanding fast maneuvers under pressure. A fast, reliable eddy turn may be needed to initiate maneuvers, scout rapids, or rest. Rapids may require “must” moves above dangerous hazards. Scouting is necessary the first time down. Risk of injury to swimmers is moderate to high, and water conditions may make self-rescue difficult. Group assistance for rescue is often essential but requires practiced skills. A strong Eskimo roll is highly recommended.


Davao White Water Rafting, Itinerary, Safety Tips

Rates of Davao White Water Rafting

Package rate 1700 each – Minimum of 5 per trip ( price may change without notice, they also offer some promo once in a while)

Inclusive of:

Transportation (From Crocodile Park to Rafting Area and back)

Packed Lunch & Bottled Water
Use of Gears & Equipment
Raft Guide
Souvenir Shirt
Documentation disc (2 CD per group of 6)

(Note) Transfer to bonus facilities not inclusive.\


White Water Rafting, Davao Itinerary

800 am Assembly at Crocodile Park (gearing, safety talk)
930 am Departure to the River
1030 am Arrival at Put In area, Tamugan
1100 am Start of Rafting
1200 nn Lunch (resume paddling after)
300 pm Arrival at Taking Out area, Purok 8, Lacson

(Run time on the river is about 3 to 4 hours including lunch and other stops)

330 pm Departure for Crocodile Park
430 pm Arrival at Crocodile Park

Please call
082 221 7823
0920 9546898
0920 9546897

note: transfer to ZIP CITY not included.



Davao White Water Rafting, Itinerary, Safety Tips

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  2. alejandrino m alguno jr

    my family ( 3 adults and 1 kid ) are planning to visit davao by end 0f ovcotber 2012
    we are planning to experience the river rafting
    pls email ur contact numbers and related contact info . we wish to call ur office.

  3. Femmy Lee A. Magbanua

    Wow Sir Jo, late comment, but i enjoy watching your pics and video….ka sadya…..ang facial expression mo baw sus ka preparado gid but daw ka funny gid ya kay daw kamo lang ang nag kulob bla, hahaha!!!!next time dapat upod ko sa adventure niyo nila Anton ah!!!!!

  4. btw… who,s taking all the pictures and videos? i presume its organized kay may dala nga cd documentation sa package fee… wonder lng paano and diin cla ga plastar? hehe…

  5. oh, my God… I saw the video… thank God ur both safe!

    wud love to try the raft myself too, though… aint it fun, jst lookng at all your pictures…
    nice after thoughts too, sir jo… life,s too short and tomorrow might not even come… so let,s better laugh it all out loud today…. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    nice goin, take care happy trippers!

  6. Hi Jo, while reading your blog, I felt I was with you in the raft. What I fear most really happened to you. Raft capsized and you stayed under the raft for 16 seconds??? God, I would not survived it. I would have gone wild with panic.

    But thank God, you are all alive to tell the story. More adventures to come! Ingats

    • Hi Car,
      yes , in fact maybe it was more than 16 seconds, the video was cut off and i just assume its 16…But I praise God for always –He is in control….try mo man..hahaha.:) we tried zip line this AM, shorter than the one in Cagayan..:) Hope we can have our own longer zip line in Mambukal or Maybe in Salvador Benedicto or maybe maybe our own rafting adventure in Bago River,,,(just wishing..hehehe)

  7. Thanks Jackie, Salamat Jet…

  8. I felt the excited, the tension and the fun. Am glad you and Anton are okay. See you soon. 🙂

  9. Jackie Garcia Dizon

    Way to go, jojo! When life seems to go on hold, go back to nature & feel Gods presence!! Life happens when you get out of your box 😉

  10. Wow Jojo. Glad you went through it still alive and with a bunch to appreciate your mission in life. God still has something in store for you to accomplish. Thanks for sharing your life-captivating experience.

    • Yes Raymund, that was really something unexpected. But God is always telling us –He is in control. God bless!

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